a collection of links
I have a little over four thousand bookmarks locally, categorized and growing.
Here are some of the more interesting ones.
friends on the web
- morgan
- elli
- riley
- jade
- lily
- xal
- mlechu
- liam
- paulette
- markus
- rose
- haskal
- (if i’m missing you, send me your site!!)
cool personal sites
- at.org
- gwern.net
- oleg kiselyov
- stanleylieber.com
- img.stanleylieber.com
- plan9.stanleylieber.com
- hundred rabbits
- devine lu linvega
- rek bell
- emile.space
- clemens scott
- マリウス
- N O D E
- zompist
- marginalia
- zx2c4
- Steven Wittens
- jonny saunders
- daniel c. howe
- helvetica blanc
- julien voisin
- matthias puech
- the digital diarist
- zagura
- emily gorcenski
- ashley blewer
- joachim breitner
- artagnon
- jenn schiffer
- h
blogs in my blog feed
more lists of links
I have a dedicated page for textbooks I recommend / have been recommended.
- Wayback Machine - archeology of the internet
- Internet Archive - the digital library of the internet age
- Project Gutenberg - public domain ebooks
- Standard Ebooks - nicely typeset public domain ebooks
- Library Genesis - the modern library of alexandria
- Anna’s Archive - preserving humanity’s written heritage
- Khan Academy - a free and online K-12 curriculum
- 3Blue1Brown - visualized mathematics
- Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
- Wiktionary - the free dictionary
- Moby Thesaurus - the most comprehensive english-language thesaurus
- TVTropes - the pop-culture tropes wiki
- Bulbapedia - the wiki for all things pokémon
- Minecraft Wiki - the wiki for all things minecraft
- nLab - type theory, category theory, and homotopy theory
- 1Lab - cubical methods in homotopy type theory
- The Stacks project - a reference work on algebraic geometry
- An infinitely large napkin - an exposition project for higher mathematics
- Glottolog - a reference work on the world’s languages
- Lingbuzz - an article archive / community space for linguistics
- ipachart.com - interactive ipa chart
- ipa.typeit.org - type ipa symbols on a standard keyboard
- syntree - simple syntax tree generator
- gloss generator - compiles plain-text glosses to html / wikitext / gb4e tex
toki pona
- tokipona.org - the official toki pona website
- sona pona - wikipedia for toki pona
- pona.la - free subdomains for toki pona projects
- nimi.li - an interactive toki pona dictionary
- lipu Linku - another toki pona dictionary
- zrajm’s toki pona dictionary
- ilo pi ante nimi - name transliteration: tool for different names
- toki pona syllabics
- mi toki - riley audiovalentine’s toki pona anki deck
- TCP [RFC9293], UDP [RFC768], QUIC [RFC9000], IPV6 [RFC8200]
- HTTP 1.1 [RFC9110], [RFC9111], [RFC9112] - we didn’t really need anything past this
- ActivityPub [W3] - a decentralized social networking standard
- Messaging Layer Security [RFC9420] - a security standard for group chat encryption
- Markdown - the de facto markup language for the web
- HTML - the standard markup language for the web
- HTMX - extending html to be a modern hypermedia
- MathML - mathematical markup notation. renderable in all modern browsers
- Wasm - an abstract stack machine for safe, cross-platform, cross-language code
- Uxn - an aesthetic virtual machine and computing stack
- TOML - a config file format for humans
- KDL - a small, pleasing xml replacement
- Quite OK Image - a dead simple lossless image format
- Quite OK Audio - a dead simple lossy audio format
- English - my L1. a beautiful mess of a language
- Spanish - i like spanish!!
- Toki Pona - a simple constructed language with 140 words and no inflection
- Ido - a reformed dialect of esperanto, a constructed european auxiliary language
- Rust - a widely used, memory safe systems language with excellent tooling
- Lean - a combination programming language and theorem prover
- Racket - a programming language for building programming languages
- Modern Java - it’s greatly improved. i appreciate it.
- godbolt - compiler explorer
- dogbolt - decompiler explorer
- webhook.site - inspect incoming http requests
- CyberChef - a cipher cookbook
- AperiSolve - automated stego solving
- factordb - a database of factorized numbers
- libc.rip - libc database search
- CTF search - search published challenge writeups
- icanhazip.com (ipv4, ipv6) - your ip address. nothing else.
- canyouseeme.org - open port check tool
- curlconverter.com - convert curl commands to python etc
- float.exposed - information about the IEEE 754 floating-point standard
- integer.exposed - visualizing bit patterns
- remove.bg - image background removal
- unscreen.com - video background removal
- waifu2x - anime-style art upscaling
- photopea.com - photoshop in the browser
- wavacity.com - audacity in the browser
- jspaint.app - mspaint in the browser
- graphite.rs - raster/vector graphics editor
- svg-path-editor - svg editor
- q.uiver.app - diagram editor
- letsboard.co - collaborative drawing board
- excalidraw - collaborative drawing board
- catbox.moe - free file hosting
- litterbox.catbox.moe - temporary file hosting
- sourcehut - spartan code hosting.
- git.gay - code hosting for cool people. cooler than forgejo
- pages.gay - static site hosting for git.gay users
- codeberg - code hosting. runs on forgejo. better than github
- github - the de facto code forge. better than sourceforge
- printables - prusa’s platform for 3d models. better than thingiverse
- modrinth - the primary minecraft mod platform. better than curseforge
various articles and written works
- In defense of inclusionism
- How can you not be romantic about programming?
- Learn more programming languages, even if you won’t use them
- Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere
comics (looking for recommendations!)
- Kill Six Billion Demons [active]
- Homestuck [complete]
- Cool and New Web Comic [inactive]
- Ava’s Demon [inactive]
- BeanyTuesday